Bee Exterminator

Yellow Jackets

One of nature’s most vital insects is the bee. The bee species is responsible for enabling the pollination of vital plants and flowers, including many agricultral species. This process occurs when a bee moves from plant to plant, along the way dropping some of the pollen it collects on the way back to the colony. This helps our surrounding natural habitat thrive. It can also be a hazard as bees search for flowers to pollinate close to your home. Here is what you need to know about bees and how Northwest Termite & Pest Control can help you if they nest too close.  


There are several thousand varieties of the bee species, but the more common in Washington State are the Bumblebee and the honey bee. Both of these bees range in size from a half inch to an inch in length. They tend to be aggressive only when defending their colony, but will be more passive when they are searching for pollen and nectar. The Bumblebee has a smooth stinger which allows it to sting multiple times, while the honey bee has a barbed stinger which causes the stinger to remain embedded in the skin.  

Colony life

Like hornets, bees live in a colony. Each colony is made up of three distinct roles that the bees fill. They are the queen bee, the worker bee and the drone bee. The queen bee is the only bee responsible for reproduction in the colony. Their only job is reproduce new offspring. The worker bees are made up of all females. Their jobs include cleaning and maintaining the colony. They also collect pollen and nectar to provide food to the other members of the hive. The last member of the colony is the drone bee. These are the male members of the colony and their sole job is to mate with the queen.

Bee exterminator services

At Northwest Termite & Pest Control, we are trained and equipped to deal with any insect or pest that you may experience at your home. We know that these invasions can be impactful to the home and the people that live there. We are skilled in providing the removal services that you need if any type of bee has set up their hive too close to your home. We know how to safely remove this colony of bees so that you can reclaim your home. Contact us to learn more how we can help you with your bee problem.